Auction Details

Auction Dates

Aug 27 - Sep 20, 2018

Ideal location for specialty or ethnic market with 10,000 sq. ft. in one of the most prestigious Rancho Las Palmas Shopping Center.


Fully equipped, Lease available in the prestigious Rancho Las Palmas Shopping Center. Perfect for turnkey, lots of capital improvements over 200K plus all of the equipment with an estimated value of about 160k MV. Ideal location for specialty or ethnic market with 10,000 sq. ft. On behalf of Secured creditor. Contact Abamex to submit offer.  858-384-3580
(last chance if you want to make offer for all equip. as one lot.)


Terms & Conditions

Presently we are in the pre-auction sale for those folks entering into a turnkey arrangement or bulk sale, For an appointment inspection please call or e-mail. Inventory on Abamex web page. 
Need financing?  click this link, Express by currency might be able to help.  
web page:   email  tel.  858-384-3580