Gene analyzer, X-Ray rm, lg TVs, furnit, orthopedics San Diego, CA
Online Auction
Auction Dates
Feb 10 , 2024
Capheid GeneXpert analyzer, vision tester, electrocardiograph, Amrad Summit X-Ray room, conference rm furnishings and TVs, orthopedic supports (walking boots, splint, knee exoform, post op shoe square toe, ankle walker, tracheotomy collar, crutches, finger splint, ankle supports) plus other items. Most equipment mfg Nov 2021 had had very little use.
Lots 246 thru 285 are details of this lot
Lots 246 thru 285 are details of this lot - Orthopedic support Walking boots, night splints, knee immobilizer, postop shoes, braces, cervical collars, crutches, finger splints stax, wrist braces, slings, elbow strap gel, knee hinged brace, plantar fascitis airsock. One Lot over 70 items. One Money. View details on PDF document or on the last photo.
Lots 246 thru 285 are details of lot 200
Lots 246 thru 285 are details of lot 200 - Walking boot, TLC Medical walking boots are designed for the treatment of sprains and other injuries of the ankle and foot with a multi strand polymer material, air, high top Part# WKN110-17. (2) size XL (Extra-large), (2) size LG (large), (1) size MD (medium), (2) size SM (small), (2) size XS (extra-small) condition new. Total qty 9 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154
Adjustable night splint model L4397 part no. 11-6000BK black color with padding for patient comfort, it's easy to adjust and can fit either left or right foot, (1) Size LG (large) accommodating men shoe size 9.5-14 and women 10.5-15, (1) Size MD (medium) accommodating men shoe size 5-9 and women 6-10, (1) Size SM (small) accommodating men shoe size 5-9 and women 6-10, condition new. Total qty 3 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154
Post Op shoe square toe for men and women assorted sizes. (3) For Men size LG (large) part no.8M54LG, size MD (medium) no. 8M53MD and size SM (small) part no.8M52SM qty 3. (4) For Women - size LG (large) part no.8W44LG, size MD (medium) part no. 8W43MD and (2) size SM (small) part no.8W42SM, condition new, total qty 7 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154
The boxer splint fracture braces by G-Force model: L-3807 (extended length). Assorted sizes, (2) size extra large right and left suitable for wrist sizes 7"-8" (18-20 cm), (2) size large right and left suitable for wrist sizes 6"-7" (15-18 cm), (2) size medium right and left suitable for wrist sizes 5"-6" (13-15cm) and (1) size Small Left suitable for wrist sizes 4"-5" (10-13cm). Condition new total qty 7 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154
Ankle walker, Bird & Cronin anklizer pediatric ankle walker assorted sizes. Size XL (extra large) footbed length 8.5" ref. 0814-0205, size LG (large) footbed length 7.25" ref. 0814-0204, size MD (medium) footbed length 6.25" ref. 0814-0203, size SM (small) footbed length 5.5" ref. 0814-0202, condition new, total qty 4 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154
Tracheotomy collar Philadelphia cervical collar by Ossur, assorted sizes. Model PHP-T3XL, with trachea opening height: 3.25 inch, size XL (extra large). model PHP-T3L size LG (large), model PHP-T3M size MD (medium), model PHP-T3S size S (small) and model PHP-T2XS with trachea opening, height 2-1/4 inch, condition new. Total qty 5 x ($) your bid. Location San Diego CA zip 92154